Saturday, July 7, 2012


A great man once said that this life is an opportunity for soul's to learn and grow.  It is an interesting idea, born into a realm of seemingly insurmountible evil, given a choice to go with the flow and profit...or resist and attempt to write your own destiny.  It is the ultimate battle of good vs. evil, more epic than any novel or movie ever written.  What fiction and history lack is the option of just letting it slide, being comfortable, and choosing not to believe in the devil.  Oh, but the devil belives in you?  That's fine.  He's not trying to drag you into a lake of fire, he's giving you an interesting show to watch, and fun game to play.  The only real options seem to be alignment with evil or the heroes journey towards redepmtion and martyrdom...or salvation?   There are no guarantees, that is perhaps the one thing that makes this game so intriguing.  Perhaps we all know what is right, I know I always have, but actually doing it is entirely another matter.  It can seem out of reach, unreasonable, and even impossible.  If the game was made to favor fair play it would be easy, but nothing in life is easy.  Evil has written all the rules in it's favor.

Lately I find myself wondering how many times I have lived.  Surely this life is some form of punishment or karma for a past life of unspeakable evil, how else can you explain an existence such as this?  I know how.  You can tell me how much I have to be happy for.  You can tell me how much better off I am versus some poor fool who is murdered or starved to death on my dime.  You can lie to me as you lie to yourself, but I cannot lie - not to god, and not to my soul.  They are one in the same.  You fools question god as you write of your own potential and paths to within are taken from you.  I am surrounded by an angry crowd of individuals who have lost themselves.  If you do not have open and honest communication with your mind and your soul, you are hopeless and damned.  If you do now have the will to control your own mind, you are a beast of burden.  You probably do not believe in hell - while you create and live in it.  Misery loves company, but not as much as self deception.  It is an amazing house of cards you have build.  Infected with all the sickness and evil known to humankind.  It is incredible that we can be surrounded by a universe of  beautiful harmony and balanced interaction left only to look at ourselves to define evil.  There is no excuse left, we are pathetic.  In realizeing this have I grown?  What advatage as this given me?  Nothing more than awareness of my true state of being - misery.  I am miserable, and you are miserable - we all are.  To you this is disadvantage, to me, you are a fool.  A child like insect with no desire to become aware of  or go through the painful metamorphosis required to reach it's true poetential of being.  Through hatred and fear of death we perpetuated this miserable existence, but there are worse things than death, and we deal with them on a dailly basis.  What cowards we are to put up with this existence, and still fear death!  We pride ourselves in having the courage to fight in the trenches, to run into a burning building, to stand up to a bully - yet we cannot evin begin to deal with the evil and fear that lurks inside all of us.

Like irreresponsible slavers we do our best to keep everything from falling apart until we've done our time leaving the worst of it for the next generation to deal with.  As long as the slave trade is putting the food on the table, we can put off our problems for another day.  The exponential curve is reaching the point of free fall into madness and lunacy.  The human sould of love, compassion, curiosity, and understanding will be left in the wake of cold, calculated and profitable machine thinking.  All human values become irrelevent outside of reproduction and sustainment, as well as all humans.  Good riddance.  I might look like you.  I might talk like you.  I might have been born into your hell, but my soul does not belong here.  I find no comfort in your petty indulgences and I would see you all burn before your influence streches beyond what you already destroy.

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