Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Thoughts on Life and Death

The current and historical fact of humanity: we will all die. Everyone knows this, but why do we choose to live in fear of death? It is childlike to fear death as much as it is childlike to fear the dark. It is fear of the inevitable. It is fear of the passing of time, of old age, of a sunrise and a sunset. No one knows how long they have left, but each sunset is one less day, one step closer to death.

However, each sunset is also beautiful! A breathtaking display of color and energy that spans millions of miles. A force so powerful and destructive that is also the source of all life as we know it. A glowing ball of pure energy. A star that was born from massive chaos and destruction and that will also die in the very same chaos and destruction while taking everything we have ever known and held dear in the blink of an eye along with it. Returning to the raw energy form that creates and destroys all things. In between the beginning and the end of this incomprehensible destruction is the entirety of our lives, all of human history, and all the structures of our reality - riding on the energy waves of time and space until they come crashing into the beaches of the end of time.

So I ask again, why do we choose to live in fear of death – as if we could stop time itself? As if we could hold back the chaos of the universe? Instead, we must embrace life for all that it is and could be rather than what it most certainly is not – a permanent setting of safety and security, a stable, organized game that we can win if only we play our cards right. The possibilities are endless, our time here with each other is not. In living and acting in fear we destroy the very thing we are trying desperately to hold onto, neglecting this precious gift we have been given.

Meanwhile, how much time do we spend bored and “killing time” instead of turning our lives into the dream we want them to be? The dream that could, and should, be reality. The power that we have somehow been given is incredible – the power to design, create and then enjoy our own existence. Why, then, do so many of us choose to relinquish this power to others? Running on the hamster wheels of our childlike society. Regurgitating what others have already done, unwilling or unable to live with the heroic spirit of exploration and creativity that our ancestors utilized to give us all we have right now.

The secrets of life and happiness are not so profound and unreachable as many of us have been lead to believe. It's really very simple. Love each other, but most importantly – love yourself.

Do not waste your life working a miserable job. Do not waste your life eating shit food. Do not waste your life with “friends” who are cruel and unloving, and who look down on you - who require you to change yourself to be accepted. Before you can truly enjoy love from another, you must love yourself. Before you can love yourself, you must know yourself. If you are like so many of us, and have built your life to be a reflection of the peer pressures of society, simply finding your inner self and it's true desires can be a difficult task. I can promise you it is worth all the effort!

It is incredible how many unhappy people there are, who only do it to themselves. It is one thing to be born into a cruel and broken society, and find yourself unable to find happiness. It is another entirely to have all of the freedom and possibilities of the modern civilized world – only to utilize 1% of what is available. It is shameful neglect of all the blessings that have been given to us. Living in fear, doing what everyone else is doing, thinking what everyone else is thinking. Trying to create a life based on the values of a society that was designed for the lowest common denominator - a mass audience of consumers. Not producers, innovators, thinkers - creators. Consumers. That is what they label you, and that is what many of us choose to label ourselves. All driven by cheap emotional manipulation that we choose to allow into our minds on a daily basis – telling us what to buy, how to act, how to live, how to exist. How to be. Most have become entirely enslaved to it. Few will rise above the crowd and in doing so they enjoy unparallelled happiness and ecstasy. Living as the heroic being that exists in a child's imagination, utilizing the innate power we all have to transcend any and all limitations. Unhappy yet unwilling to take the risk to accomplish their dreams, or for many – not even realize what their dreams are or could be.

Every morning the roads are packed with people and most of them are doing something they do not want to do. Many do not even know what they want to do, so they simply wish they were still in bed. How absurd is it to fear death, but live life in that way? Wishing you were asleep is not time well spent. Living for the weekends is not time well spent. Being ashamed of your age is not time well spent. It is a shameful existence deserving of all the unhappiness it brings.

You will not, ever, get that time back. So why waste it doing things you don't want to do?

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